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Does any one know where I can find the top that is on the front of the Haynes repair manual for a jeep? The top looks to be a tinted panoramic window(most of it is see through) top. Please look at you Haynes Manuals closely and please help me find that top. It is not besttop, ive tried.

Hosedragger18 replied: "4wheel drive.com"

Carlos replied: "try besttop"

luckydagger replied: "try JC Whitney"

2003 Jeeper replied: "I think they just show that top and dont actually make it. ive looked all around for different types of tops for my 93 wrangler and have never seen anything like that. all i have found is a half top hard top, nothing see through! A thought i had was to take and cut the whole top of the hard top out and put a sheet of glass or plexiglass up and tint it dark. Good luck on finding something."

Jeep cherokee haynes manual? Looking to buy manual, but can only find the petrol version and want a diesel edition however i don't think it has been published in the UK. Is anything similar available or from another country? Its for a 1993 limited edition jeep cherokee. 2.5 turbo diesel Thanks

Cody replied: "try ebay, amazon"

oklatom replied: "http://www.books4cars.com/?gclid=CM6Pg82D9pkCFQEhDQod820_Qw They claim they have it all, and ship world wide. Address: books4cars.com 4850 37th Ave South Seattle, WA 98118 USA Phone Numbers: Phone: USA-206-721-3077 Toll Free: 1-888-380-9277 (For callers within the USA only) Fax: USA-206-721-3055 E-mail: For general inquiries: For motorcycle inquiries: Customer Service Hours: Monday through Friday 9AM to 6PM"

the rear brakes (drum) on my 94 jeep need rebuilt. My haynes book is in storage.? where can I get a step by step guide online? (for free of course :))

Dragnet replied: "You can't go to the library. They have the books there. My brother has a library next to his shop and he uses theirs a lot.."

skunkapunka replied: "Try autozone, they have instructions on how to do it after you look up the parts."

Where is the horn relay located on a 1990 jeep Cherokee 4X4? I have a Haynes manual for the Cherokee but it makes no mention of the horn relay in the wiring schematics. I have located about 4 others but none are for the horn that I can tell. This is not my first jeep but it has been the most challenge.

DanEGood replied: "Some of the Haynes books are junk. I wish they would put out one for each year ans model and engine. Searching though the book is a Royal Pain! There are many things I can't find in mine, too. Try to follow the wire back from the horns themselves to the relay. If you can't follow the wires back , I would disconnect the horns and as someone is pushing the horn, listen for the click of the relay GOOD luck."

Where is the blower motor relay on a 2000 Jeep Cherokee? I cant locate the blower motor relay for the jeep cherokee. The blower motor doesnt blow at all and there is no current getting to it (but current throught the fuse in the fusebox) so it has to be the relay but i cant find it. Its not in the haynes manual and there are no labels in the user manual or on the junction boxes. I know its in the general area of the glovebox...I have found and checked the blower motor resistor(not the problem as the motor does not turn on at all). I just dont know where the resitor is. Its not in plain sight and not labeled around the junction box. Not to mention since its not working I cant listen for clicking to see where it is.

welderdiver replied: "I'm not completly positive where the relay is either but make sure you check your blower motor restistor also. The coils might be corroded at the base or melted. I'm sure if you called a dealership they would help you locate the relay. Good luck!"

Elmar C replied: "the blower relay and resistor are behind the glove box"

How do I repair an EVAP problem that causes code P1494 on 1997 Jeep Grand Cherokee? Different mechanic, different code. The latest computer scan provided a code for P1494. We reset the code and the engine light came back on. Any suggestions for problems that would result in this error code. Mechanic says its the EVAP system. Haynes book says to check hoses and replace the charcoal canister. But, the parts store does not have canisters and said that they never need to be replaced. Is there something else that I should replace?

oklatom replied: "If you merely reset the check engine light without fixing the underlying problem that triggered the light in the first place, it will come back on. "P1494 (M) Leak Detection Pump Sw or Mechanical Incorrect input state detected for the Leak Detection Fault Pump (LDP) pressure switch" is the actual 1494 error code. The code could be set for a number of reasons such as a faulty gas cap, cracked vacuum lines, solenoids & vent valves stuck to the pump itself. It can be a very difficult fault to cure being it doesn’t take a very big leak anywhere in the system to set the code and that’s if it’s a leak and not an electrical or mechanical fault. Start with the easiest, look at your fuel cap. Is the gasket good? Buy a new one, clean where it seats well, put it on making sure it clicks at least 3 times, and see if that solves it. If not you will have to start looking at hoses for hairline cracks. And yes, although it's rare, sometimes the canister itself gets a crack and needs to be replaced. It will be a dealer only item of course."

sprinkles replied: "do not replace the canister. this code sets when the ldp switch does not close when the vacuum is let into the ldp. an evap leak will not set this code. first check the vacuum to the ldp. if it is ok, you will need a wiring diagram to check the battery voltage, and the control wire, and the switch state wire to the ldp. if the wiring to the ldp is good, then the switch in the ldp is bad, and you replace the ldp. this is the case almost 100% of the time."

totolalo@sbcglobal.net replied: "check the gas cap for signs of rust check hoses by the purge solenoid.and by the throttlebody on the intake manifold and replace if craked per chrysler/jeep training a code must not be erased ,rather fix the problem and let the car run 3 good trips.you accomplish this by running vehicle like you normally do(if you do not have a (drb3)(scanner)until the car no longer "sees" the problem on three consecutive self diagnostic tests.the car will then clear the code meaning the problem is solved"

How much transmission fluid does a 94 Jeep Grand Cherokee take? I've just replaced the gasket on the transmission pan after draining it. That repair is all done and I need to add more fluid to the car. My haynes book says to add 2 quarts, but it's not even registering on the dipstick. Would it be safe to add more? It looked closed to 5 quarts when I drained it.

hd89sprty replied: "4qts initial fill, with the entire system at 11 quarts: From the web: CAPACITIES Engine, with filter..........5.0 quarts Cooling System, Initial Fill..........15.0 quarts Automatic Transmission, Initial Fill..........4.0 quarts[1] Automatic Transmission, Initial Fill..........4.0 quarts[1] Automatic Transmission, Total Fill 42RE..........11.0 quarts 44RE..........11.0 quarts Differential, Model 35 Rear..........3.4 pints[2] Differential, Front..........3.2 pints[2] Transfer Case,249..........3.4 pints Transfer Case,231..........2.1 pints Transfer Case,247..........3.4 pints Transfer Case,242..........3.0 pints Here's a good description of "how to" for trans fluid change: ...Drop pan, change filter, reinstall. Measuring the old fluid in pan into a milk bottle type container, install that amount of new ATF back into transmission. Disconnect BOTH ATF cooler lines at radiator and place a container or pan under each line end (helps to have an assistant). Start engine, shut down after 1 or 2 quarts have come out one of the lines. Refill exact amount of fresh fluid in transmission (this keeps air out of the system). Be careful not to drain too much or you will get air in the system. Start engine again and repeat until clean fluid is coming out of cooler line. This is messy and time consuming but will purge all old ATF from transmission and torque converter. Reinstall cooler lines and start car, cycle through gears, place in park and check level per owners manual. Check for leaks. Top up as necessary after driving and heated up. Don't overfill. You just safely flushed the whole system, no T-TEC $ cost.... (thanks to Auto-rx.net) I have an old 1 gallon milk container that I've got marked at pint intervals. This procedure works well, you just have to make sure to keep the trans filled, and not to strip out the hoses running to the trans cooler when you take them off. Best to jump on this quick, as the water/mud won't wait to do damage. Good luck with it."

007 replied: "First, check with the manual, then I would keep putting it in till it started to show up on the dip-stick, when this happenes, start the car (first, check with the owners manual, a few cars don't require you to run the engine), while your foot is on the brake, put it in gear, then back to park, now check your level, and add little amount's till it is on the full mark."

What lubricant should i use for my 94 jeep wrangler's differentials? my haynes manual says GL-5 but on another forum i have heard that it should be GL-3 but they were talking about the manual transmission lube. does this also apply to the differential?

jj replied: "GL-5 gear oil is fine for the diffs. The GL-3 is for the manual transmission as the GL-5 spec oils contain additives that erode the yellow metals used in the synchro gears. "

Nick replied: "I dont know the type of weight it needs from the top of my head but I highly suggest using, Royal Purple Diff. Fluid and or Lucas Oil Diff. Fluid. I've tried them both and even mixed them before and they've worked great in my Jeep. If you go to the local auto shop they will help you more with the weight size and what not."

Cabin air filter 1996 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited? Does anyone know where the cabin air filter is located on a 1996 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited 4.0L inline 6? I have looked all over the car, and there is no mention of it in the Haynes Repair Manual. I would take it to the dealership but I usually try to do all the repairs my self and use them as a last resort.

candiesman05 replied: "try under the ft cowl plastic cover"

randomperson14 replied: "no idea sorry try googling"

Albert F replied: "As far as I know there isn't one."

rwings8215 replied: "your jeep doesnt have one. Here is a adobe site that list all vehicles and tells you how to change them "

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