Taurus Male Capricorn Female Compatibility
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What is the compatibility of a Capricorn female and a Taurus male? My birthday is December 28 th and My boyfriend is May 20th. We are almost approaching two months being together. I find my boyfriend to be cheap and I am more giving than he is. I care about him but do not know if we are going to make it. He thinks only about making money and rarely enjoys the simple things in life, like taking sometime off from work to enjoy life. I looking for intelligent answers. I would like to know if we can work through our differences. Our signs are suppose to be compatible.

Real Deal Astrology.com replied: "If you have issues with his spending habits, then just tell him. This really isn't an astrological issue. May 20th is nearing the end of Taurus and riding into Gemini, so if money is an issue, he should be able to at least talk about it. Just understand the 2 main reasons marriage ends in divorce (not to say that you'll end up in marriage) are: a) Money issues b) Bedroom (sexual) issues So if you don't nip this one in the butt now, realize that you've been warned."

Capri93 replied: "Your boyfriend is a cusp, he's a Gemini/Taurus mix. Supposedly Capricorn and Taurus are a very good match. It's been two months, I'm guessing your young, give it time. Only you can know the true answer, your dating him and we're not. Get an Astrology book or Google, for any question's you've got on this pairing. Oh, well you know your signs are supposed to be compatible, but it also matter's what else is in their birth chart, among other things."

anthony replied: "Capricorn and Taurus: two earth signs together. A perfect match! A typical life together will blend tickets to the opera, charity balls, working to get their candidate elected to the Senate, the PTA, Barbie dolls, baseball games, and sailing the wide open seas. Both secretly yearn for a love that will last forever and they may have it. There is a lot of potential here. We have dual earth signs, and they can certainly make the ground shake. Taurus is very sensual and affectionate which is good for the Capricorn who seems to lack passion. The clever Taurus can make the Capricorn come down from his/her frozen mountain and live his/her dream lol.. sorry to say it hun... but your hun is more like a gemini than a taurus... there's your problem.. capi and gem... don't mix.. but.. since he is part taurean.. it can work.. if you talk to him about it.. and i know your a capricorn.. so i know your expensive... or you like good things... at least.. tell him.. since he is part taurus.. he will try his best to keep the relation ship up.. but if his gemini part comes up... he's gonna just shut you out... you don't want to do that... so just sit him down.. and talk to him about it..."

Compatibility between female sun in libra moon in capricorn and male sun in taurus moon in aquarious...? How do the stars look for this combination? please don't answer if you've got a downer on horoscopes..not worth your time really is it... :)

. replied: "There are many factors to Synastry in astrology- mainly degrees, because it can be extremely tricky, but I will just base on the information you gave me :) Its very ironic that your sun trines his moon & his sun trines your moon (its like a mirror effect, where the feelings are mutual between the aspect of sun trine moon). There is a real feeling of being able to rely & depend on each other. Cooperation and romantic companionship flows freely as each of you gives a sense of ease and optimism to the other. This is such a great aspect to have in synastry, because of the teamwork into love. You probably share similar objectives in life with him, but still retain your own individuality :)"

Taurus female with male Sagittarius OR Capricorn? Not sure what day he said but I know his birthday's in December. So, with both compatibilities? thanks. just curious :)

♥NíKKí ♥ ♥GíRL♥ ™ replied: "Capricorn"

SteveC on the flip side replied: "I'm a Sag.. wanna mate? SteveC"

NiNAD1086 replied: "capricorn is a better match hopefully thats his sign lol"

Karen pissin you off since 1972 replied: "I am a Taurus female and I have been with a Sagittarius male, he was my oldest sons father (my son is a Capricorn..LOL) It was actually a great relationship, we didn't break up he was killed in an MVA."

b O o t ii FuL replied: "sagittarius's are good as friends, ifu hav the right moon sign but i find them annoyin, attention seekin and SOOKS! lol... capricorns are awesome =) apparently one of the best match ups for taurus aside from,pisces, virgo and cancer! sometimes scorpio, but thats our opposite either works out or doesnt"

Capricorn women & [Taurus/Gemini] Cusp Male? What are the relationship compatibility of those that fall under Taurus/Gemini cusp (19-23 May) - with a Capricorn female? If not good. Who are Taurean/Gemini Cusp males compatible with?

lol n replied: "im taurus gemini with capricorn female its the best... im in love for life ;) but dont belive horoscopes all the time m8"

ria replied: "ive heard that taurus are compatable with capricorn. im a taurua!"

socalbabe58 replied: "im not exactly sure about geminis but i know that for taurus', capricorns are the best match. they are both earth signs so they tend to understand eachother most"

just gonewhere? replied: "u need to find out practically just being a zodiac sign is meaningless, GEMINI THE TWINS THAT WE R Gone with the wind, with pros and cons, Every moment, in straying thoughts, is gone, My, my I am firm in my convictions, I am yes, even though I take a while, Now that I have changed my mind, u smile. I am yes Sir, I am, of two minds. HA HA HA... CAPRICORNIANS??.. THE WORLD?S OUTSTANDING ONES. Capricornians are best symbolized, as goats, All of a sudden they get up and bloat, People feel the warmth of their very being, Really if a Capricornian is your dear friend, Immediate success you?ll find e?re the end. Cause it?s the very sincerity of this soul, Only the discernible, knowledgeable, really know, Ruminate if you dare, with a filial she, Now, now u r being naughty, as naughty can be. TAURUS ....UR MY BULL??.Taurus You R, its 4 Real,Always On The Look Out, Yes,U R one whom I would like to show,Really u r the one with whom ,U know I'd really like to go,Surely u will believe me I know please read in poetic form your judgement please,do let me know"

How is a male Aries and a female Gemini compatibility? An Aries asc Aries with Capricorn moon, and a Gemini asc Scorpio with Taurus moon. Thanks. :)

Cookie replied: "I can't speak for others, but I'm a female Gemini and I know a male Aries and at first, I liked him, but then I ran far away from him when I realized he was an arrogant, commandeering jerk, who talked out of his ass and needed anger management. On the surface (or casually, I should say), we get along well together, but anything further than that is disastrous. If I had never gotten to know him well, I'd actually say you'd have no problem because he's fun and has a lot of energy, but yeah. No."

SooCleen replied: "ohhh man the aries & gemini sex is just amazing"

Compatibility between a Fish (Male) , Bull (Female)? Male - Sun in Pisces, Moon in Sagittarius, Ascendant/Rising in Aries Female - Sun in Taurus, Moon in Capricorn, Ascendant in Scorpio

M Kiran Kumar replied: "I dont know I only use fish to eat and bull to make sausage"

Tom A replied: "You're going to get a bollocking for asking that question here. Post it in "Horoscopes". Very soon."

centretek666 replied: "Astrology is crap and only idiots believe in it."

DrAnders_pHd replied: ""Dut n dut n. Fish and Bull DNA just won´t splice.""

aviophage replied: "First, learn the distinction between astrology and astronomy. Astrology is the silly thing about horoscopes and all related fictions. Astrology is based on myths and legends and has no relation whatever to reality. Astronomy is real science, and it is the study of the nature and motions of celestial objects. Its purpose is to learn about the nature of the real universe in real terms. Astrology is of no use at all to anyone, except as entertainment. I think Yahoo!Answers has a section on astrology under "entertainment." Take my word for it; that's all it's useful for. Just think logically for a minute, if you are able to. How could the positions and motions of celestial objects thousands or millions of light years away possibly have any effect on events and personalities here on earth? Obviously they can't have. So please do yourself a favor, and get interested in the study of real science, and leave the superstitious pseudo-science behind you."

What is our compatibility Libra/Capricorn? What is the compatibility of this couple, what challenges might we face, any advice? Me (Female) Sun-Libra Virgo Rising Moon-Libra Venus-Scorpio Him (Male, obviously) Sun-Capricorn Libra Rising Moon-Taurus Venus-Aquarius

۩۞۩ §kytheria ۩۞۩ replied: "Libra and Capricorn love compatibility Capricorn has a strong sexual interest in the Libra. Libra in her/his part likes the Capricorn's aspiration to earn money. However, the Libra's propensity for laziness irritates the Capricorn who got used to work without a rest. As a result the Libra will be dissatisfied by a Capricorn's sober practicality. The Capricorn wouldn't like Libra's constant attempts to be center of everyone's attention. Capricorn will even bring his/her work to bed, literally, and it will be up to Libra to distract him/her long enough for sexual relations to take place. A sign such as Libra is not about to put up with this for very long before greener pastures are sought out. There is too big personal incompatibility for a successful marriage. Libra and Capricorn are not considered compatible but there are other signs, planets, and house positions to take into consideration. It would be best if you got a full compatibility reading done."

Taurus Gemini cusp + Sagittarius Capricorn cusp. Will this work? I just met a Taurus / Gemini cusp male, I am the Sagi / Capricorn cusp female. Is this compatable? Because I feel a really strong pull to him and I don't understand it. I usualy try to stay aloof because I usualy don't work with anybody ever but I have this feeling I could let my guard down. I don't know much about CUSP compatibility, Any Advice? We are both geminimoon signs.

b00zebuzz replied: "because of u both having gemini moons, there's that magnetic pull where once u get 2-gether, u wont want 2 pull away from each other. and your sag element will compliment his gemini cusp, since those r both independent, fun loving signs (gemini &sag. cusps.) the capricorn part of u will love his lively vibe. he'll be able 2 lighten up the capricorn's moods. his taurus part will love how u make him feel like he's the only one u want 2 be with.(caps r good at that)"

what do you want my name to be? replied: "Yes sounds like a great match."

Latin Lover replied: "I believe it will. Taurus and Capricorn are compatible. Gemini and Sagittarius are on opposite poles, but are philosophical people. The moon will make both of you have something in common."

Scorpio female and Gemini male in a serious relationship? ME Asc:Taurus Sun:Scorpio Moon:Libra Mercury:Scorpio Venus:Scorpio Mars:Sagittarius Jupiter:Scorpio Saturn:Aquarius Neptune:Capricorn Uranus:Capricorn Pluto:Scorpio HIM Asc:Leo Sun:Gemini Moon:Aquarius Mercury:Cancer Venus:Cancer Mars:Taurus Jupiter:Scorpio Saturn:pisces Neptune:Capricorn Uranus:capricorn Pluto:Scorpio what kind of compatibility to do we have? Good points? bad points?

Leah B replied: "you are complete opposites, which may balance. basically its like you complete each other. it will most likely work, as long as you are willing to make it work."

lalas replied: "Looks goood to me"

Sweet as Pie replied: "The bond can be intense when these two masterminds meet. They both want to build an empire, so why not team up? As long as they can hold back from constantly manipulating each other, they can create powerful innovations. Otherwise, it can quickly become an evil empire, with Scorpio's thirst for control and Gemini's habit of twisting people's words. Since you both hate weak-minded people, you may be exhausted, but you'll never be bored. Some of the biggest moguls are born under these signs, like Gemini Donald Trump and Scorpio P. Diddy. Both signs have extremely active minds and imaginations. They can be master manipulators and are incredibly seductive. Their intuition is almost scary at times--they can tune into people like a satellite dish, and read them like a large-print novel. Both signs have an air of mystery about them, and may wear many disguises to keep you from figuring out who they really are. They may be a little bit scared to discover that themselves. Trying to get a straight answer from either will verge on impossible."

Dee replied: "Ok, should I start by saying the bad points? That would be the teaming up of ur sun signs, being Scorpio and Gemini. Not the very best match. This combination could be a fair match, but will not come easy or without problems. In Scorpio, Gemini finds a mate who can surpass his urge for action. From a mental point of view, this couple is probably equal...although sexually and physically, Gemini will likely be too modest to meet Scorpio demands. Perhaps the chief danger here is the inherent Gemini desire for freedom that is sure to clash with the jealous and possessive nature of Scorpio. In short, this pairing will have some difficulty in changing their basic natures and their love connection will need to be strong in order for the relationship to survive. But, as I mentioned, that is only comparing ur basic Sun signs. Ok, now for the good points:You having ur Venus in Scorpio, and him having his in Cancer, make up an almost ideal connection. You both will understand each other when it comes to love and the reasons each do what they do, etc. The ideal partner for Cancer is Scorpio, so having what is most important placements of Venus for both of you, makes it a almost perfect match. Also, next good match is ur Moon sign placements. Libra and Aquarius are another ideal match, so that will help make this relationship last and happily. So hope I've helped you in the comparison dept. and I wish you all the luck together. You should make a great pair! btw, just be sure to remember he is w/a Leo asc. so his pride is something not to injure, even if you don't really mean it! Be careful w/it!"

Compatibility Chart? I was wondering where I can find a compatibility chart online for two people Person 1 (male): Sun - Libra Moon - Aries Ascendant - Capricorn Descendant - Cancer Person 2 (female): Sun - Capricorn Moon - Libra Ascendant - Taurus Descendant - Scorpio

Baba C replied: "go to cafeastrology.com"

neptunerising replied: "What you want to do is compare Venus to Venus sign, and Moon to Moon sign. It helps to read about each others Mercury signs as well, to see the way each other communicates and processes information and thoughts. Cafe Astrology is the best site that I have come across to see which matches are easier or more difficult. No signs matches are impossible, but some just require more love and understanding to make it work! Here is the Moon compatibility, though: The two of you are opposites in many ways and you are each drawn to the qualities in your partner that you lack. Libra doesn't really feel complete without a love partner, and instinctively knows how to share, blend with, and harmonize with people, while Aries is more self-reliant and assertive, and often rather inconsiderate of others' needs and desires. Aries instinctively takes charge and tends to run the show, while Libra is the conciliator and compromiser in your relationship. Libra depends a great deal on others' approval, often lacks a strong sense of self or personal direction, and may simply go along with Aries much of the time, for Aries has stronger preferences and less willingness to accommodate a partner's wishes. Libra wants togetherness, while Aries needs time to go off alone and be a free agent sometimes. Also, Aries is rather impulsive and volatile, and is prone to outbursts of temper, while Libra is more rational and often avoids unpleasant emotions, especially anger. Therefore, Libra may appear to be the nice, likeable "good guy" in the relationship, while Aries is cast in the role of the trouble maker. When personal problems arise, Libra wants to discuss them with a counselor or friend, is open to suggestions and others' opinions, and wants to negotiate a fair, equitable solution. Aries is less likely to seek outside help and may have little patience for talking and airing the problem, unless some clear, concrete change results. The two of you will have to do considerable adjusting in order to live with these differences between you, even if other astrological aspects indicate harmony and compatibility. The color code this one gets is Pink which means:Pink is Opposites Attract! - Your Moon signs are opposite. You find each other fascinating, frustrating, and intriguing--all at the same time!"

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